Among the material choreographies of becoming: literary writing in Gabriela Jáuregui's La memoria de las cosas.

  • María Milagros González
Keywords: Gabriela Jáuregui, Materialisms, Posthuman, Writing.


This work is part of a research that, at the crossroads of contemporary Latin American aesthetic materialities and reflections of various posthuman materialist approaches, investigates the figures of human and non-human matter, their modes of existence and their possible interactions. The book La memoria de las cosas (2015) by Gabriela Jáuregui articulates, in this sense, a space of perception and sensitivity to matter capable of tensing the hierarchical binomials that govern the distributions of the existing: humanity/non-humanity, nature/culture, body/mind, inert/agent, among others. The question of writing, which reassesses the relations between matter and discourse, the nature of signification and the conceptions of aesthetic, memorial and knowledge practices, enables a reading of literary texts as intra-acting materialities, which form human-non-human assemblages and participate in the ongoing becomings of the world.    


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How to Cite
González, M. M. (2022). Among the material choreographies of becoming: literary writing in Gabriela Jáuregui’s La memoria de las cosas. Cuadernos De filosofía, (76).