La The suspended Earth: artistics speculations at the age of ends.

The theater of disappearance by Adrián Villar Rojas.

  • Belisario Zalazar
Keywords: Artistic speculation, Human Age, Unworld, Inhabit


The installations of the young artist from Rosario, Adrián Villar Rojas, lately gathered under a macro project entitled The theater of disappearance, lead us towards the temporal limits of the end of what we could call The Human Age. Villar Rojas’ artistic speculation draws an edge, a threshold, from which the pasts and possible futures mix, enabling a posthuman coexistence between humans and non-humans, close to reparation, mourning, listening and faith in the Others. The Theater of Disappearance, of which, according to our reading, the film trilogy of the same title and other previous installations by the artist such as Los teatros de Saturno (2014) participate, tries to coagulate, aware of its imminent destruction, an ecological and political thought that plays / mourns carefully with the remains, and that opens up to the parasitic porosity of the symbiotic real (Morton, 2019).


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How to Cite
Zalazar, B. (2022). La The suspended Earth: artistics speculations at the age of ends . Cuadernos De filosofía, (76). Retrieved from