Suffering from beingOneself in Kierkegaard´s Psychology

A Confrontation with the Second Part of The Ethics of Kierkegaard

  • Pablo Uriel Rodríguez UM/UBA/Conicet, Argentina
Keywords: Kierkegaard, freedom, Modernity, despair, anxiety


Our article discusses the main thesis of the second part of The Ethics of Kierkegaard (2022). According to Yésica Rodriguez, Kierkegaard's psychological works (The Concept of Anxiety and The Sickness unto Death) leave Kantian philosophy and reject the modern notion of freedom. The Argentinean researcher argues that existential frustration is the inevitable outcome of the Kierkegaardian analysis of subjectivity: before God, the big Other, the individual is always in the wrong. In this article, we propose and develop an alternative reading. We show that the philosophy of history of Kant plays a central role in the treatise on anxiety and that the concept of despair operates as a corrective to the project of self-determination.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, P. U. (2023). Suffering from beingOneself in Kierkegaard´s Psychology. Cuadernos De filosofía, (80).