Ventriloquia y Subjetividad: Apuntes sobre una voz sin persona

  • Germán Prósperi
Keywords: ventriloquism, voice, subject, belly


There is an undeniable link between subjectivity and voice. In this paper I focus mainly on the phenomenon known as ventriloquism. I try to show how, beside the official ways of Modern philosophy, an eccentric knowledge on ventriloquism has been conceived, confronting the legitimated assumptions of dominant thought. The history of ventriloquism carries us back to the old civilizations, in particular to The Bible. The Sacred Scriptures allow us to acknowledge the structural tension between official voice (Logos) and ventriloquist voice (Muthos). The purpose of this article is to show, then, the philosophic consequences of a voice whose spokesperson is not the Cartesian cogito, the transcendental Ego or the Hegelian Subject, but the belly and the abdominal region, closer to sexuality and digestion than to modern conscience.


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How to Cite
Prósperi, G. (1). Ventriloquia y Subjetividad: Apuntes sobre una voz sin persona. Cuadernos De filosofía, (61), 79-95.