Algunos aspectos de la κίνησις en la concepción plotiniana de la realidad sensible

  • Tania Fadda
Keywords: κίνησις, Plotinus Enneads, psychic motion, body motions, particular living being


The aim of this article is to highlight the presence and the meaning of the term κίνησις in some tratises of Plotinus’ Enneads, with particular reference to the psychic sphere conceived in relation to the particular living being. In the first part I will try to explain what is meant by “psychic movements”: these do not imply in any way the suffering of the soul; on the contrary, they must be conceived as its own life and its activities. In the second part I will try to show how the soul exerts its motion in relation to the body and body’s motions; this implies the comprehension of the way in which the soul is present to the body, and a correct consideration of the living being. 


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How to Cite
Fadda, T. (1). Algunos aspectos de la κίνησις en la concepción plotiniana de la realidad sensible. Cuadernos De filosofía, (64), 35-45.