El giro kantiano de Rawls hacia el hegelianismo

  • William Farfán Moreno
Keywords: Rawlsianism, Kantianism, Communitarianism, Hegelianism


This article discusses the Rawlsian turn from the Kantian interpretation of justice as fairness to Hegelianism. The first Rawls considers the Kantian interpretation of justice as fairness as the strongest argument that sustains the legitimacy of his idea of social contract. In responding to the criticisms of communitarians (especially those of Sandel) Rawls make a turn from Kantianism to Hegelianism, introducing two important constructs that don´t appear in A Theory of Justice: first, the overlapping consensus connected to reflective equilibrium, and second, public reason. In this way the second Rawls (political liberalism) is more Hegelian than Kantian. 


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How to Cite
Farfán Moreno, W. (1). El giro kantiano de Rawls hacia el hegelianismo. Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 37-46. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n67-68.5454
Dossier. Nuevas exploraciones en torno a la filosofía de Hegel y sus contemporáneos II (Daniel Brauer, ed.)