<i>Syllogismus est principium Idealismi</i>. La <i>Ciencia de la Lógica</i> como pro-gramática de la secularización

  • Horacio Martín Sisto
Keywords: Idealism, syllogisms, analogy, secularization


In this paper, I start from the observation that many thinkers, offering a new way of secularization, tend to ignore the steps taken by previous thinkers, however, they have been the condition of possibility of new step. Through the transit effected from Kant to Hegel, I attempt to reconstruct here a certain logical structure of secularization, which converges with a secularization of logic. The guiding thread of this transit is constituted by Kant’s and Hegel’s theories about syllogisms, especially the syllogism by analogy. As far as Hegel is concerned, I seek to show that not only offers a secularizing logic, but also a theory, which recognizes his predecessors as condition for his own position. 


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How to Cite
Sisto, H. M. (1). <i>Syllogismus est principium Idealismi</i>. La <i>Ciencia de la Lógica</i&gt; como pro-gramática de la secularización. Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 97-114. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n67-68.5458
Dossier. Nuevas exploraciones en torno a la filosofía de Hegel y sus contemporáneos II (Daniel Brauer, ed.)