Posiciones infundadas en la polémica sobre Mundos Posibles

  • Joaquín Santiago Toranzo Calderón
Keywords: modal realism, possible worlds, logical necessity, metaphysical necessity


In the controversy between actualists and modal realist, the notions of logical necessity and possibility have been used to answer the question for the existence of possible worlds, defending from them their metaphysical counterparts. However, can ome be defined purely in terms of the others? Or maybe something else is needed? In this paper it is shown that the relation between these notions assumes previous metaphysical commitments falling into a circular justification, so it can not be a viable option to answer such a question. 


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How to Cite
Toranzo Calderón, J. S. (1). Posiciones infundadas en la polémica sobre Mundos Posibles. Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 125-131. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n67-68.5460
Discusión: "Existencia y Mundos Posibles" (Eduardo Barrio, coord.)