El testimonio: lengua, verdad y subjetividad. Una aproximación entre Foucault y Agamben

  • Magali Haber
Keywords: Agamben, Foucault, testimony, subjetivity, language


This paper will inquire in the concepts of testimony, truth, potentiality, language, and infancy, following the developments of Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault on biopolitics to rethink the notion of subject trough the figure of testimony. The text Truth and the legal forms of Foucault will be traversed to trace the conformation of the testimony as political technology or practice of knowledge-power and then several passages of the work of Agamben will be traced to retake such figure in its relation with the language, power and life to arrive at the tension between subjectivation and desubjectivation that crosses all testimony. Towards the end something of The Thought of the Outside will resonate in the words of Agamben around testimony and reading. 


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How to Cite
Haber, M. (1). El testimonio: lengua, verdad y subjetividad. Una aproximación entre Foucault y Agamben. Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 157-167. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n67-68.5464