Democracia sin condiciones: Derrida y la política a golpes de aporía

  • Andrea Potestá
Keywords: Derrida, democracy, identity, sovereignty, justice, uncondicional


This article attempts to bring into relief the importance of the aporetic construction in Derrida’s understanding of the political. Upon emphasizing aspects of suspension relating to the problem of identity, sovereignty, and justice, it is nevertheless decisive to demonstrate that deconstruction’s political wager, while refusing all reduction to any normativity, does not coincide with an extra-political gesture either: Derrida invites one to think the incalculability involved in justice by always linking it to the economy of the law, thereby negotiating the unconditional with the conditional. 


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How to Cite
Potestá, A. (1). Democracia sin condiciones: Derrida y la política a golpes de aporía. Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 169-180.