Dangerous relationships. Abstract art in Buenos Aires during the nineties

  • Francisco Lemus
Keywords: Argentine art of the 90's, abstract art, modernity, queer


This paper analyzes the development of abstract art in Buenos Aires during the nineties from the analysis of two exhibitions: Crimen es ornamento (1994) and The Rational Twist (1996). Attending to the characteristics of these curatorial projects, we investigate the construction of a modern ethos extensive to the avant-garde that, in the first half of the 20th century, saw in the ornament an image of waste subordinated to nature, primitive and feminine. Taking these ideas as a starting point, we analyze contemporary art in relation to its conditions of production and recognition and the generation of a queer sensibility as a distinctive aspect. 


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How to Cite
Lemus, F. (1). Dangerous relationships. Abstract art in Buenos Aires during the nineties. Cuadernos De filosofía, (69), 155-170. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n69.6121
Dossier. Filosofía, sexo y género (Cecilia Macón y Mariela Solana, editoras)