A strict negation operator for multivalued systems

  • Isis Urgell Menéndez
Keywords: logical constants, logical paradoxes, multivalued logical systems, negation


In this paper I will exam some issues about the meaning of the logical constant “negation”. I will defend that it has two main features, one is being formally and conceptually prior to the other two basic logical connectives: conjunction and disjunction, and the other is having as a main character its ability to function as a switch of truth values, flip flopping one into the opposite. I will also argue for two other constraints one might ask for this type of operator to be called strict or strong. Finally, I show that is possible to design a multivalued logical system taking FOUR as a basis, and adding a strong yet non-classical negation to it. 


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How to Cite
Urgell Menéndez, I. (2018). A strict negation operator for multivalued systems. Cuadernos De filosofía, (70), 29-41. https://doi.org/10.34096/cf.n70.6500
Discusión sobre Constantes lógicas (Eduardo Barrio, ed.)