The charge of <i>Ästhetizismus</i> in the contestation of Leo Strauss to <i>The myth of the State</i> of Ernst Cassirer

  • Pablo Dreizik
Keywords: Cassirer, Strauss, Aestheticism, political philosophy


From the publication of “Zur Auseinandersetzung mit der europäischen Wissenschaft” in 1924, Leo Strauss inaugurated a critical line, which lasted until 1956, aimed at questioning fundamental aspects of the thought of Ernst Cassirer. In the course of this critical line -in his review of the book The Myth of the State published originally in Social Research in 1947-, Leo Strauss raises against Ernst Cassirer the charge of Ästhetizismus -’aestheticism’-. In this paper I propose a reevaluation of the charge of aestheticism directed by Leo Strauss to the whole of the philosophical work of Ernst Cassirer. 


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How to Cite
Dreizik, P. (2018). The charge of <i>Ästhetizismus</i> in the contestation of Leo Strauss to <i>The myth of the State</i&gt; of Ernst Cassirer. Cuadernos De filosofía, (70), 89-99.