Rethinking the contemporaneity of the noncontemporaneous. Reinhart Koselleck’s approach

  • Lucila Svampa
Keywords: Koselleck, contemporaneity of the noncontemporaneous, conceptual history, prognosis


The analysis of the contemporaneity of the noncontemporaneous formulates myriad aspects for the philosophy of history. The simultaneous presence of numerous dimensions of times provides us with the possibility of reformulating our relationship with historicity and therefore, the ways in which we read past events. In this essay we aim to explore this core notion proceeding in three steps. Firstly, we will introduce the main theoretical basis, which comes to the foreground in Koselleck’s work. Secondly, in order to grasp the Ungleichzeitigkeit, we will track its connotations. Thirdly, we will distill the most significant implication of the concept in order to suggest both that this term demonstrates an interwoven between the Begriffsgeschichte and the Historik, trying to explore its possible uses.


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How to Cite
Svampa, L. (2018). Rethinking the contemporaneity of the noncontemporaneous. Reinhart Koselleck’s approach. Cuadernos De filosofía, (71), 39-69.