From Monster to Idea. Aby Warburg and the psycho-archaeology of man

  • Germán Osvaldo Prósperi
Keywords: mnemosyne, psyche, outside, monstrum, human


This article aims at demonstrating two main theses: 1) Warburg’s work on a “historical psychology of the human expression”, which constitutes the rationale and guiding reference of the Atlas Mnemosyne, should be understood as a psycho-archeology of man; and 2) Warburg’s madness is the experience of the extra-human nature of the historical psyque, i.e., it is the pathological evidence confirming that the human element does not constitute the other of the Monstrum, but the domesticated Monstrum itself.


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How to Cite
Prósperi, G. O. (2019). From Monster to Idea. Aby Warburg and the psycho-archaeology of man. Cuadernos De filosofía, (72), 37-51.
Dossier. Warburg en la filosofía argentina (D. Losiggio y F. Abadi, eds.)