Indexicalidad y "mundo actual"

  • Alba E. Cuenca
Keywords: indexicality, descriptivism, possible worlds, modal realism, actual world


This paper intends to revise the position that “the actual world” is an indexical that works as do “I”, “now”, “here”, etc. This position is supported by David Lewis, in order to defend his modal realism, that is, the theory that there are possible worlds that have the same ontological status as the world we inhabit. Despite the importance and novelty of the indexical analysis of actual world, this is not without objections that make difficult to sustain it. Throughout this paper we present several objections to the indexical analysis and we will argument that a descriptive analysis of “actual world” is adequate. 


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How to Cite
Cuenca, A. E. (1). Indexicalidad y "mundo actual". Cuadernos De filosofía, (67-68), 133-138.
Discusión: "Existencia y Mundos Posibles" (Eduardo Barrio, coord.)