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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor) and is an original work.
  • Manuscripts sent for eventual publication to MACE must be submitted on computer support in a Windows-compatible word processor.

  • Collaborations must adhere to the following format: 1 and 1/2 line spacing in all sections, A4 size numbered sheets, Arial font size 12, bottom and top margins 2.5 cm and left and right 3 cm.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  • If you are submitting your manuscript to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you need to be sure to follow the instructions in Ensuring a blind review.

  • Remember that you must download, complete, sign and attach the Originality and Transfer of Rights Commitment to your submission.

Author Guidelines

Order of sections:

1) Title in Spanish (or Portuguese) and in English, in lowercase, centered, without underlining, up to fifteen (15) words.

2) Author/s, in right alignment, with a footnote (*) indicating place of work and/or institutional or academic belonging, country and e-mail address.

3) Abstract of the article in no more than one hundred fifty (150) words in Spanish (or Portuguese) and in English. Key words in Spanish (or Portuguese) and in English, no more than four (4).

4) The submitted text, with primary subtitles in left alignment, in lowercase and bolded, no underlining; secondary subtitles in left alignment, in lowercase and italic. Extension, 25 pages approximately.  

Each subtitle must be separated from the previous text and the one following it with double spacing. Indents at the beginning of a paragraph are not allowed. The right margin may be formatted in the justified alignment, but words must not be separated in syllables. Bar spacing must only be used to separate words. In order to tabulate, use the corresponding key. The keys "Enter", "Intro" or "Return" must only be used at the end of a paragraph, when utilizing a full stop. Underlining is not used. Words in Latin or in foreign languages are written in italic, or phrases the author feels the need to stress. In any case, it is advised to not overuse this resource nor others, such quotation marks or bolding.

Any graphics, tables, images and maps are not to be included in the text, but in each case the location in the text must be indicated. They are to be uploaded to the editorial portal, numbered, following the order in which they appear in the text, with their titles and/or epigraphs in a separate document. The images and maps should be in the format .jpg or .tif in 300 dpi and count with an incorporated scale. They also should be cited in the text, and not exceed the box measures of the publication (12 x 23,50 cm).

Any graphics, tables, images and maps included in the text should be the author's own work; although other sources can be included as long as the author counts with explicit authorization for reproduction, or adequate licenses such as Creative Commons. If none of these two options apply, an appropriate written authorization from the material's author is necessary so that the material can be included in this publication.

MACE follows the Harvard-APA style for bibliographical citations. Examples within the text: (Rodríguez, 1980) or (Rodríguez, 1980, 1983) or (Rodríguez, 1980a y 1980b) or “as Rodríguez (1980) explains, etc.”.

Up until two authors can be cited; in the case of more than two authors, the first author is named and followed by et al. In the bibliographical listing the names of all authors are listed.

Citations with pages, figures or tables: (Rodríguez, 1980: 13), (Rodríguez, 1980: figura 3), (Rodríguez, 1980: tabla 2), etc.

Textual citations up until three lines are included in the text, between quotation marks, with the corresponding reference (Author, year: page). Textual citations that are longer than three lines are written in indented paragraphs on the left using tabulation, and are separated from the rest of the text with double line spacing before and after, and in this case quotation marks are not used. The textual citation is followed by the reference (Author, year: pages). Footnotes are not to be used for this kind of bibliographical reference.

If the textual citation stems from unpublished documentary source, the references are to be made in a footnote on the bottom of the page. Examples:

Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (en adelante AHPBA). Juzgados de Paz, Leg. 39-1-1, doc.385, f.2.

Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia (en adelante ABNB). Correspondencia Audiencia de Charcas 940, Carta del Gobernador Felipe de Albornoz al Rey. Salta, 17/3/1634.

We suggest the use of the following annotation for this kind of references (Spanish): Legajo: Leg.; Expediente: Exp.; Documento: doc.; folio o foja/s: f. ó fs.

The original orthography and composition of the cited documents should be preserved. However, it is recommended to indicate in case any aspect of the document has been modernized for the transcribed citations in the articles.

The footnotes at the bottom of the pages should be written with the corresponding command in the text editor used by the author. They should not appear at the end of the text document nor is it necessary to create a document apart for them.

5) Acknowledgements

6) Cited documentary sources. Unpublished sources referenced in the text are to be indicated here. Examples:

Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia (ABNB), Escrituras Públicas, Leg. 7, 8 y 9. La Plata, 1562-1569. Revisita al pueblo de Jesús de Machaca.

Archivo General de la Nación, Sala XIII, Leg. 17-10-4, 1620.

7) Cited bibliography. All the cited references in the text and in the footnotes must appear in the bibliographical list and vice versa.

The bibliographical list should be alphabetical, sorted by the first author’s last name. Two or more works by the same author should be in chronological order. Works from the same year should me distinguished by adding lowercase letters: a, b, c, etc.

The following order should be used: the author’s last name in lowercase, the first name’s initial if necessary, specify editor (ed.) or compiler (comp.) of the text, (year of publication) Title and subtitle in italic. Number of volume if necessary, number of edition (in case of not being the first edition). Place of publication, Editorial.

Note: after the year, there is no full stop and the titles of books or the names of the publications are to be in italic. The words “volume”, “tome” or “number” are not used, only the number of the volume, tome, etc. itself. The abbreviation “pp.” is not used either to indicate the pages. Instead, the pages can be indicated separated by hyphens.

If the author considers it important, they may cite the original publication date of the work in question in square brackets, especially in case of travel reports and/or memoirs. Example within the text: Lista ([1878] 1975), which should coincide with the form of citation in the bibliographical list.

Example of a bibliographical list:

Eidheim, H. (1976). “Cuando la identidad étnica es un estigma social” en Barth, F. (comp.), Los grupos étnicos y sus fronteras: 50-74. México, FCE.

Ottonello, M. y A. M. Lorandi (1987). 10.000 años de Historia Argentina. Introducción a la Arqueología y Etnología. Buenos Aires, Eudeba.

Presta, A. M. (1988). Una hacienda tarijeña en el siglo XVII: La Viña de “La Angostura”. Historia y Cultura 14: 35-50.

Presta, A. M. (1990). Hacienda y comunidad. Un estudio en la provincia de Pilaya y Paspaya, siglos XVI-XVII. Andes 1: 31-45.

Quevedo, R. (1979). “Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, el hombre y su tiempo” en Tres estudios sobre Ruy Díaz de Guzmán y su obra. Biblioteca Virtual del Paraguay. Disponible en Internet: http://bvp.org.py/biblio_htm/guzman/notas_biograficas.htm. Consultado el 4 de julio de 2014.

MACE requires the authors to concede the property of their author’s rights in order for their article or materials to be reproduced, published, edited, attached, communicated and transmitted publically in any form or medium. This includes distribution of the required number of copies, public communication in every one of its modalities, including availability to the public through electronic, visual or any other technological means by non-profit circulation, exclusively for scientific and cultural purposes.

Finally, MACE upholds its commitment to the Open Access policy of scientific information, considering that scientific publications and investigations financed by public means should be available through the Internet freely, without cost or restrictions.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted to this journal will exclusively be used for the declared purposes and will not be available for any other purpose or person.