The indogenous past in the historiography of Catamarca. A reading against the grain

  • Manuel Fontenla UNCA-CONICET
Keywords: regional historiography, postcolonial criticism, Indigenous history, Northwest Argentina


Unlike the binomials nation/province, archive/source, regional/local or border/state, which have a long tradition of debate and study in the Argentine historiographical field, the opposite applies for the binomial indigenous peoples/history. This topic has remained in a long “historiographical vacuum” and has begun to be part of current debates and studies only in recent decades. Acknowledging the existence of hegemonic perspectives that make the history of indigenous peoples invisible and perspectives that seek to renew historiographical views on it, this article is an effort to raise some questions regarding the historical disputes of the indigenous past in Catamarca Historiography. Thus, it presents an analysis of classic authors of local history in dialogue with contributions from theoretical perspectives from subaltern studies and postcolonial criticism.


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How to Cite
Fontenla, M. (2022). The indogenous past in the historiography of Catamarca. A reading against the grain. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 30(2), 118-136.
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