Rock art in colonial context. Preliminary analyses of the Alero Estancia Guayascate site, north of Córdoba (Argentina)

  • Laura López
  • María Andrea Recalde CONICET-IEH/CEH. UNC
Keywords: rock art, identity, Colonial period, encomienda of Guayascate


This paper attempts to contextualize pre-Hispanic rock art in the north of Córdoba, while analyzing its presence within the framework of a colonial institution (encomienda). In this sense, the study of the Alero Estancia Guayascate archaeological site may reveal aspects related to the indigenous-colonial situation since it involves groups of different ethnic origins: the indigenous residents of Guayascate, the indigenous residents of Guayascate, the indigenous populations introduced as a result of the encomienda and the merced de tierras and the Spaniards in charge of them. Rock art is understood as a marker of identity shared by indigenous groups in the north of Córdoba. Therefore, foreign groups interrupting both the spacesas well as daily life routines in Guayascate could imply a loss of the original meaning in the execution of the rock art, due to the fact that there were no further interventions on the site. 


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How to Cite
López, L., & Recalde, M. A. (2022). Rock art in colonial context. Preliminary analyses of the Alero Estancia Guayascate site, north of Córdoba (Argentina). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 30(1), 6-23.
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