From levo to town, the socipolitical and demographic evolution of the Mapuche of Concepción: the Coyunche and their transformations in the context of Alonso Galiano’s encomienda, 1550-1700

  • Daniel Stewart Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
  • José Manuel Zavala Universidad de Chile
Keywords: colonial history of Chile, etnohistory, Mapuche people, indigenous history


Before the arrival of the Spanish to the region of Concepción its inhabitants were organized in alliances or social groups: levo or rewe expanded in some cases into larger alliances recognized later as ayllarewe. One of these larger alliances were the Coyunche from the plains of the Laja River. Due to the presence of the Spanish the Coyunche suffered a rupture: the levo north of the Laja River stayed under Spanish control while those to the south maintained a relative independence. In this paper we present the evolution of the northern Coyunche who were subjected early to the encomienda regimen, and we will analyze the changes and trajectories that they experienced during nearly one and a half centuries of history within this work regime.


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How to Cite
Stewart, D., & Zavala, J. M. (2022). From levo to town, the socipolitical and demographic evolution of the Mapuche of Concepción: the Coyunche and their transformations in the context of Alonso Galiano’s encomienda, 1550-1700. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 30(1), 87-109.
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