War and persuasion in the borders of Santa Fe: Francisco Antonio de Vera Mujica’s time (1743-1766)

  • Carina P. Lucaioli
Keywords: Santa Fe, frontier policy, war, diplomacy


This paper seeks to reconstruct the main actions taken by Francisco Antonio de Vera Mujica as liutenant governor (Teniente de Gobernador) of Santa Fe city, (Argentina) in order to analyze the frontier policy and the interactions with native groups by mid 18th Century. While in office, between 1734 and 1766, he managed to start diplomatic conversations achieving a sort of equilibrium in the traditional discipline based on arms and as a consequence four reductions for non-submissive groups were found. To understand the processes that made this turn to diplomacy possible the strategies implemented at local and regional levels -even at viceregal level- are studied, since they allow us to insert Vera Mujica’s political project in a complex and conflictive context crossed by different interests. crossed by different interests.


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How to Cite
Lucaioli, C. P. (2015). War and persuasion in the borders of Santa Fe: Francisco Antonio de Vera Mujica’s time (1743-1766). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 23(1), 99-128. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/MA/article/view/11799
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