Frontier spaces and bourbon civil servants. Population policies in Moxos and Chiquitos reductions

  • Muriel L. Morgan
Keywords: Bourbon reforms, population policies, Moxos and Chiquitos


In the last decades of the 18th century, and in the context of the Bourbon Reforms, several frontier spaces were object of a series of domination policies that changed ongoing relationships. The goal of many of these projects was the assimilation of the indigenous population to the colonial society. In order to develop and implement those policies several civil servants were sent to these regions. This paper presents the project of Felipe de Haedo and Francisco de Viedma, Cochabamba’s Mayor, for the reductions of Moxos and Chiquitos, located in the frontiers of the Intendency. We will analyze the similarities and differences their projects contain and the disputes with several figures of the local government.


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How to Cite
Morgan , M. L. (2015). Frontier spaces and bourbon civil servants. Population policies in Moxos and Chiquitos reductions. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 23(1), 129-157. Retrieved from
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