Ethnographic and historical sources: rethinking the relationship between past and present. The case of Amaicha del Valle indigenous community (Tucumán)

  • Maité Boullosa-Joly
  • Lorena B. Rodríguez
Keywords: methodology, past, present, Amaicha del Valle


From our experience in recent years, developed over the case of Amaicha del Valle Indigenous Community, we have begun to delve into a line of processual research, with historical depth, trying to pull togetherthe methodologies of ethnography and historical work. This time, and taking up the line of work above-mentioned, we intend to analyze the possibilities but also the limitations involved when establishingrelationships between ethnographic and historical sources, past and present, and several approaches and methodologies. Particularly, the issue of temporality will be the focus of our interest and, around it,we will discuss the long term notion and the processes of change and continuity. A reflection about the sources, their potentialities as well as the complementarities and tensions between them, will also bepresented.


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How to Cite
Boullosa-Joly, M., & Rodríguez, L. B. (2014). Ethnographic and historical sources: rethinking the relationship between past and present. The case of Amaicha del Valle indigenous community (Tucumán). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 22(2), 43-66. Retrieved from
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