Cabildo’ elections and sale of political posts. A comparative approach for studying the significance of ritual in legitimating power

  • Silvina Smietniansky
Keywords: cabildo’s elections, sale of local official posts, ritual, power


This paper proposes a comparative approach to two procedures for access to local government posts in Tucumán during the second half of the 17th century. By analyzing the cabildo’s annual elections and the sale of local political posts we examine the symbols and rituals which, in each of these procedures, allow for the expression and constitution of what was considered local legitimate power. The sacred and political aspects which characterized the elections, and the pragmatic side of the sale allow us to explore the significance and implications of the ritual dimension in the colonial government institutional structure and in the legitimating of power.


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How to Cite
Smietniansky, S. (2014). Cabildo’ elections and sale of political posts. A comparative approach for studying the significance of ritual in legitimating power. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 22(1), 7-32. Retrieved from