Revisiting the ways to Chapaleoufu: old and new hypothesis over stone constructions on the Tandilia Mountain System

  • Victoria Pedrotta
Keywords: corrales en piedra, interethnic exchange, post-Hispanic period, Tandilia mountain range


This paper presents an update of recent advances in the historical and archaeological knowledge of stone buildings located in the central portion of the Tandilia mountain range (in the Pampa region of Argentina). Diverse documentary sources are analyzed searching for both the characteristics and the antiquity of this center of multiethnic commercial exchange, called Feria del Chapaleofú, whose activity can be traced back until mid-eighteenth century. In this frame, the relationship between the Chapaleofú fair and a group of stone buildings under archaeological research since 2001 is discussed. Based on information provided by documentary sources and the material record the hypotheses proposed by other researchers are evaluated and alternative interpretations are proposed.


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How to Cite
Pedrotta , V. (2013). Revisiting the ways to Chapaleoufu: old and new hypothesis over stone constructions on the Tandilia Mountain System. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 21(2), 269-295. Retrieved from