Frontier administration and contruction of political nets: Buenos Aires south frontier, during the 1860’ and 1870’

  • Guido Cordero
Keywords: frontier administration, indios amigos, National Guard, military authorities


This paper analyzes the political strategies conducted by Buenos Aires border authorities between the 1860’ and 1870’. The focus is placed on the construction of political nets in three administrative sections -West, South and the South Coast- emphasizing on how the National Guard was handeled, the use of tactical conflict facing indigenous groups and its capitalization in the frame of a conflictive political arena within porteño liberalism, marked by the progresive displacement of Bartolomé Mitre’s faction.


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How to Cite
Cordero , G. (2013). Frontier administration and contruction of political nets: Buenos Aires south frontier, during the 1860’ and 1870’. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 21(1), 39-63. Retrieved from