"Informar si el padrón que rige se conocen dos pueblos de Amaicha". Socio-ethnic restructurings and land disputes between colony and republic

  • Lorena B. Rodríguez
Keywords: Amaicha, indigenous, ethnogenesis, 19th century


Based on the study case of pueblo de indios de Amaicha, and framing our analysis within the ethnogenesis concept, the paper poses a reflection over the socio-ethnic transformations operated in the above mentioned entity in the transitional period from colony to republic. We will analyze a litigation started by the alcalde of the pueblo de indios de Amaicha -don Lorenzo de Olivares- regarding the encroachment of lands located in the Calchaquí valley, and also another document claiming lands in the plains of Tucumán. Focusing on the dispute unleashed over communal lands, we propose to examine the possible strategies that allowed the maintenance/reconstruction of the pueblo de indios, as well as the sense of belonging associated.    


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, L. B. (2010). "Informar si el padrón que rige se conocen dos pueblos de Amaicha". Socio-ethnic restructurings and land disputes between colony and republic. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 18(2), 267-292. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/MA/article/view/11960
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