"Children of the homeland": tensions ans passions regarding the inclusion of Afroporteños in the Argentine Nation by late 19th century

  • Lea Geler
Keywords: Afroporteños, nation-building, 19th century, homogeneity


This paper addresses some of the instances by which late nineteenth century afroporteños were integrated into the so-called homogeneous, modern and white Argentine Nation, as well as the struggles and tensions these processes generated. From a historical-anthropological approach, a counterpoint between two relevant processes is presented: their participation in the militia and in the electoral struggles. In both situations, we discover how afroporteños positioned themselves as agents of fundamental historical importance. We also note how they expressed- although with tension and passion- loyalty to the homeland, political commitment and the possibility of social upgrading, facing the opportunity of a particular recognition within the state -something many asked for. In order to achieve this objective, late nineteenth century afroporteño newspapers, together with contemporary sources will be analyzed. will be analyzed.


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How to Cite
Geler , L. (2012). "Children of the homeland": tensions ans passions regarding the inclusion of Afroporteños in the Argentine Nation by late 19th century . Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 20(2), 273-294. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/MA/article/view/12174
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