“Castillo de Senta” and the border. Continuities and discontinuities across time, territory and between disciplines

  • Mariel A. López
  • Clara E. Mancini
  • Gabriela Nacht
Keywords: Humahuaca eastern border, Castillo de Senta, Archaeology and History, territory


In this paper we present and analyze unpublished sources from Archivo General de Indias related to the construction of a “castillo fortaleza” in the “Valle de Senta” by mid-17th century. Its location, about ten “leguas” from the town of Humahuaca, coincides with the archaeological site academically recognized as an Inka fortress. Based on this case study we examine the continuities and discontinuities in the eastern regionof Quebrada de Humahuaca, through time and territory. The concept of frontier enables us to rethink the relationship between History and Archaeology, regarding the study of the early centuries of the Spanish conquest in the region under study.


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How to Cite
López , M. A., Mancini, C. E., & Nacht, G. (2011). “Castillo de Senta” and the border. Continuities and discontinuities across time, territory and between disciplines. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 19(2), 149-171. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v19i2.12275