Juan Bernal Díaz de Luco and the call for missionaries to America in the 1530s

  • Claudio César Rizzuto CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Juan Bernal Díaz de Luco, missions to America, religious orders, Hispanic monarchy


This paper deals with the call for missioners in the early times of the conquest and colonization of America. From the analysis of some writings of the doctor of canon law and member of the Consejo de Indias Juan Bernal Díaz de Luco (1495-1556), it will be possible to increase the knowledge on one of the officials of the monarchy who participated in the organization of missions to the New World. Additionally, these texts are an early example of some of the topics and stereotypes that would mark how the Christian religion established itself in America.


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How to Cite
Rizzuto, C. C. (2023). Juan Bernal Díaz de Luco and the call for missionaries to America in the 1530s. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 31(2), 11-29. https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v31i2.12422
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