Mesianism in Hispanic America: the taki onqoy movement

  • Luis Millones
Keywords: messianic movement, taki onqoy, local deities, resistance


This paper summarizes the new dimension of study of taki onqoy, the messianic movement. In the sixteenth century people thought it was limited to the Obispado del Cuzco. After the source Informe al Rey of Bartolomé Alvarez was published we know nowadays that in Oruro a ritual of the same name and similar traits was discovered. Taki onqoy is one of the earliest messianic movements of the Andean region, if wetake into account those happening after the European invasion. Its importance grows because its ideology addresses to gods not known by the Incas and, at the same time, emphasizes minor deities of Tahuantinsuyu. Additionally it neglects the power of Inti, the solar god and divine father of the ruling dynasty.    and divine father of the ruling dynasty.


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How to Cite
Millones , L. (2007). Mesianism in Hispanic America: the taki onqoy movement. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 15((1 y 2), 7-39. Retrieved from