The Hispanic-creole interpreters of Salinas Grandes (1786- 1810)

  • Natalia Salerno Universidad Nacional del Sur
Keywords: cultural mediators, colonial society, Salinas Grandes


In this paper we focus on the figure of the Hispanic-creole interpreters of Salinas Grandes. These actors were often relegated to the background in official documentation since the relevance of their roles was largely ignored. In order to know their personal biographies as well as the activities they carried out on these journeys, we worked with manuscripts belonging to different documentary collections, such as travel diaries and their corresponding news reports.


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How to Cite
Salerno, N. (2023). The Hispanic-creole interpreters of Salinas Grandes (1786- 1810). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 31(1), 66-83.
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