Spaniards, Andeans and the early colonial state in Peru

  • Kenneth J. Andrien Department of History, Ohio State University
Keywords: colonial state, Peru, 16th century, political instability


Political instability and factionalism preceded the establishment of Peru's colonial state, so righy after the Spanish invasion the state is fragile and almost unexistent. Vicerroy Toledo organized administrative, fiscal and forced labor system reforms attempting to create an all-powerful colonial state. However, the state power declined because of the failure of maintaining equilibrium and stability. both in production and in population. Corruption, inefficiency, and cooptationamong the members of the colonial elite contributed to erode the very foundations of the colonial state 


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How to Cite
Andrien , K. J. (1996). Spaniards, Andeans and the early colonial state in Peru . Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 4, 11-32.