The fabric of spatial distribution and circulation strategies in Tarapacá: a colonial record

  • Carolina Odone Correa Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Corregimiento of Tarapacá, 17th century, distribution strategies, colonial record


The purpose of this article is to submit a proposal  about what we think it was the indigenous way to organize, occupy and understand the space of Tarapaca during colonial times. The Corregimiento of Tarapaca was inhabited by different indigenous people who, coming from near and distant landscapes, developed different strategies of distribution and circulation. Pacajes, Carangas, Quillcas, Uros, Lipes and Camanchacas, among others, developed in Tarapaca similar ways of occupation to their previous territoriality. Those ways were completed under colonial domination. Thus, this paper brings a reflection on some indigenous cultural practices re-organized under colonial government. 


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How to Cite
Odone Correa , C. (1996). The fabric of spatial distribution and circulation strategies in Tarapacá: a colonial record. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 4, 57-80.