Criticism and use of historical sources related to indigenous diplomacy in the Pampa during the 19th century

  • Maximiliano Gregorio-Cernadas FFyL, UBA
Keywords: frontier relationships, Pampa region, 19th century, new approaches


The author proposes to continue exploring new perspectives in studying the complex frontier relationships in the pampa region during the XIX century. Ethnohistorical research of pampa-patagonia region and also works related to River Plate society developed some of these relationships. He focused specifically on aspects related to production, use and circulation of documents concerning pampean relations and indian negotiation activities in the Pampa region. Moreover, he describes the difficulties in the use of these documents as historical sources, the critical activity developed in the past century upon the latter and its consequences. Finally he enumerates derivations of that production, use, circulation and documental criticism and proposes some methodological seminars to analixe those sources. 


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How to Cite
Gregorio-Cernadas , M. (1999). Criticism and use of historical sources related to indigenous diplomacy in the Pampa during the 19th century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 7, 61-89.