From household to neighborhood. The Afro population of Carmen de Patagones in the Municipal record of 1887

  • Guido Cassano Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFyL), Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas (ICA), Sección Etnohistoria
Keywords: Africans and Afro descendants, Carmen de Patagones, family structure, Afro neighborhood


This paper analyzes the structure and family composition present in the homes where Africans and Afro-descendants of Carmen de Patagones in North- Patagonia, Argentina, resided in the late 19th century, according to the information provided by the municipal record of 1887 and based on the typology of homes developed by the Cambridge Group. To this end, households with an Afro head of household are distinguished from those with a non-Afro head of household, and the registered types of householdsand family structures in each of them are compared. The existence of a "black neighborhood", made up of families united by kinship ties, either consanguineous, by affinity or symbolic is also corroborated and its location within the urban commons is indicated, according to the information provided by the registry under study, and also by a map of the Patagones district from 1888.


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How to Cite
Cassano, G. (2023). From household to neighborhood. The Afro population of Carmen de Patagones in the Municipal record of 1887. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 31(2), 164-190.
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