The "patriotic" uprising of Bartolomé Zapata in 1811. Traditional leadership or form of expression of local power in Entre Ríos between the colonial order and the revolution?

  • Claudio Biondino
Keywords: anthropology, history, politics, caudillismo


This paper aims to develop an ethno-historical approach to the problem of the spouting of new politiacl leaderships in the province of Entre Ríos, after the May Revolution. The study focuses on a particular case: the revolutionary uprising headed by Bartolomé Zapata in 1811. This investigation will be developed in the contex of the new historiographical approaches on caudillismo. Some of the resources developed by political anthropology will be used, in order to study Zapata's leadership. 


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How to Cite
Biondino, C. (2007). The "patriotic" uprising of Bartolomé Zapata in 1811. Traditional leadership or form of expression of local power in Entre Ríos between the colonial order and the revolution?. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 14, 9-35.