Challenging the isochrony of the pendulum. Theory and practice of Historical Anthropology

  • Ana María Lorandi Sección Etnohistoria, ICA. FFyL, UBA
  • Guillermo Wilde Sección Etnohistoria, ICA. FFyL, UBA
Keywords: historical anthropology, theory and practice, main trends, critical balance


The paper presents an historic journey through theoretical and methodological debates in Anthropology, History and Social Sciences in general, and their connection with the development oh Historic Anthropology or Ethnohistory as a specific discipline related to the research done by our own group. We tried to show sequences of the principal trends, as well as lines of debates or the congruencies prevailing in different social disciplines of each period and academic group. Having this in mind, we tried to make a critical balance of the main streams of thought around methodology, probation conditions and truth criteria, the author's role, and above all the false opposition between objectivity and subjectivity.  


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How to Cite
Lorandi , A. M., & Wilde , G. (2000). Challenging the isochrony of the pendulum. Theory and practice of Historical Anthropology. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 9, 37-78.