Characteristics of domestic units through comparative analysis of the life cycle (jurisdiction of Córdoba, 1750-1778)

  • Sonia Tell Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (FFyH), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
Keywords: households, vital cycle, Córdoba, eigtheenth century


The article presents a characterization of different types of productive units in two rural areas of Córdoba province, differentiating their socioeconomical and ecological aspects. The Chajanov model is applied to enformation from the 1778 population census. In that way the complementary enery is analyzed in the rural families throughout the vital cycle in terms of balance between work and consumpion and the incidence of the same in the composition of household units. The vital cycle models of three rural areas were reconstructed and the existance of a rural differentiation process in this region is suggested. Finally a reinterpretation of previous synchronic analysis for these districts is presentes based on Lastett's typology of households from the persective of the cycle development of household units.


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How to Cite
Tell , S. (2002). Characteristics of domestic units through comparative analysis of the life cycle (jurisdiction of Córdoba, 1750-1778). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 10, 67-93.