The Jesuit missionary system in Baja California: colonial domination and indigenous resistance

  • María Victoria Guevara Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Jesuits, missions, Baja California, indigenous rebellion


After 37 years of conversion done by the Compañía de Jesús in Baja California, a big uprising took place in the reducciones located south of the Península. The rebellion, triggered by one of the groups of latest incorporation, threatened the permanence of the Order and the Spanish forces in the region. The rebellion was directly related to the missions system established by the Jesuits and its difficult adaptation to the natural and human environment of the Península.  As a consequence, the region suffered a strong demographic downfall that brought about several revolts, which encouraged the crown to established a second presidio in the southern zone of the territory. 


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How to Cite
Guevara , M. V. (2005). The Jesuit missionary system in Baja California: colonial domination and indigenous resistance. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12, 169-196.
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