The immigrant bride and groom. An investigation of marriage records (Parish of San Isidro, 1740-1816)

  • Mariana A. Pérez
Keywords: migrations, Spanish, River Plate, colony


The present work searches some aspects of the migratory experience of Spanish people to the River Plate in the late colonial period, based on the analysis of testimonies of grooms and witnesses contained in 86 marriages records of San Isidro Parish filed between 1740 and 1816. The marriage records are a rich and interesting source for researches working with the migratory process since they reveal valuable information on how, when and with whom the grooms had left Spain in search on a new life in the River Plate, as well as data on their activities and social bonds in their new place of residence. Three main issues are analyzed: the circumstances of the journey, the marriage practices and the post-migratory identity. 


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How to Cite
Pérez , M. A. (2005). The immigrant bride and groom. An investigation of marriage records (Parish of San Isidro, 1740-1816). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 12, 277-303.
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