The mestizo Salamancas. From indigenous religions to colonial sorcery. Santiago del Estero, 18th century

  • Judith Farberman Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) - CONICET
Keywords: mestizaje, Santiago del Estero, witchcraft


In general folklor studies agreed upon the Spanish origins of the magic school known as Salamanca, widely spread in the northwest of Argentina. Based on the existance of hybrid elements, found in culture and religion, this article poses the existance of a mestizo influence in its development in Santiago del Estero during the 16th and 17th centuries. The main sources analyzed were judicial processes held against witchesin the area under study, and secondarily some material such as the Jesuit's Cartas Anuas and Indian catechisms and confessionaries. 


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How to Cite
Farberman , J. (2006). The mestizo Salamancas. From indigenous religions to colonial sorcery. Santiago del Estero, 18th century. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 13, 117-150.
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