Tribalization mechanisms in Patagonia. From the great crisis to the first government of Perón

  • Walter Delrio CONICET - ICA, FFyL, UBA
Keywords: tribalization, indigenous communities, Patagonia, peronism


In 1937, the Argentine government decided to displace and remove the Nehuelpán tribe accused of foreing and uncivilized behavior. Six years laterthis measure was reviewed starting a process of partial land restitution in which the state selected who will continue to be considered as member of the above-mentioned tribe. Focusing in that case, framed by the relationship established between indigenous communities of the national territoty of Chubut and state authorities or local nets of power, this article analyzes the process leading to the construction of a social space in the state-nation-territory matrix since the 1930'great crisis until the first period of President Juan Perón. 


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How to Cite
Delrio , W. (2006). Tribalization mechanisms in Patagonia. From the great crisis to the first government of Perón. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 13, 209-242.
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