Memoirs, life histories and indigenous trajectories in Buenos Aires province

  • Mariano Nagy
Keywords: memoir, Buenos Aires province, indigenous identity, transmission


The article analyzes a series of interviews with indigenous people from urban and rural areas of Buenos Aires in order to recover and systematize experiences and trajectories enabling the construction of a corpus centered on what it means to be “indigenous” in a province with lots of aboriginals but, at the same time, seen as a territory “without Indians”. In order to contribute to a general history of the original population in the district we attempt to reconstruct different Indian histories from present to past. Thus, the paper presents several themes such as: the reconstruction and transmission of family and/or community history, the relation of these events to the 19th and 20th centuries historical processes, the development of migratory trajectories and/or establishment in places where they live and the self-identification feeling.


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How to Cite
Nagy, M. (1). Memoirs, life histories and indigenous trajectories in Buenos Aires province. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 25(2), 168-186.
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