Silver and copper mining in South District of Baja California: the urbanization process at El Triunfo and Santa Rosalia during the Porfirian era

  • Edith González Cruz
  • Ignacio Rivas Hernández
Keywords: El Triunfo, Santa Rosalía, urbanization, mining


This study is about the urbanization process at El Triunfo and Santa Rosalía during the Porfinian era; both towns belonged to what nowadays is Baja California South and they were born due to the development of silver and copper mining respectively. Although El Triunfo began during the colonial period and Santa RosalТa by late 19th century both of them changed their demographic and structural appearance during the government of Porfirio Diaz, as a result of the mining modernization process brought by foreign capital -even when certain peculiarities responded to their own growth.


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How to Cite
González Cruz, E., & Rivas Hernández, I. (2018). Silver and copper mining in South District of Baja California: the urbanization process at El Triunfo and Santa Rosalia during the Porfirian era. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 26(2), 47-64.
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