An archeological view of the emerging rural world in southern Buenos Aires through estancia La Libertad (second half of the 19th Century)

  • Vanesa Natalia Bagaloni
Keywords: historical archeology, rural settlement, southern of Buenos Aires, late 19th Century


The archaeological study of rural settlements is relevant to understand the conformation of a new territory; the rural one, consolidated towards late 19th century in the Pampean region. The installation, expansion and consolidation of these settlements in the Buenos Aires area had different modalities and characteristics, leading to the constitution of wide networks of various kinds -social, political, military, commercial- and responded to multiple interests -particular, regional, national, global. Here we present tasks of geophysical and archaeological prospecting as well as the analysis and interpretation of archaeological complexes and graphic and written documentation related to farm La Libertad, San Cayetano county. This research allowed us to investigate the circuits to obtain and/or consume articles necessary for rural life, subsistence and food patterns, daily habits, networks of commercial and social relations, among other aspects.


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How to Cite
Bagaloni, V. N. (2018). An archeological view of the emerging rural world in southern Buenos Aires through estancia La Libertad (second half of the 19th Century). Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 26(2), 102-124.
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