Towars a comparative history of the indian towns of San Joseph and San Marcos in Cordoba's jurisdiction, 18th century: authorities, population, land and tribute

  • Magdalena Schibli
Keywords: indian towns, land, tribute


In this paper we approach the process of resistance and adaptation of pueblosde indios (indian towns) of the jurisdiction of Córdoba in the Government ofTucumán, during the 18th century. We will particularly analyse two towns,San Marcos and San Joseph, presented here for a counterpoint study: bothcases were defined in similar conditions but their history torn apart as the 18thcentury advanced. While San Joseph dealt with the defence of the jurisdiction’s oriental border, shaping a militia of indian soldiers, the town of San Marcoskept with constancy the entire amount of tribute and the numerical entity ofthe town. We analyse the specific situation of each one, in order to understandwhy San Marcos managed to kept the official recognition of its lands and itscommunity, while San Joseph disappeared from the tributary Indian townrecords.


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How to Cite
Schibli, M. (2019). Towars a comparative history of the indian towns of San Joseph and San Marcos in Cordoba’s jurisdiction, 18th century: authorities, population, land and tribute. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 27(1), 107-125.
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