Maquegua (Maquewe) and its inhabitants in the Araucanía of the 16th century: geopolitics and gold economy in the terms of the Imperial City of Chile

  • José Manuel Zavala Cepeda Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Santiago de Chile, Chile
  • Francisco Javier Medianero Soto Universidad Católica de Temuco, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Santiago de Chile, Chile
  • Mirentxu Zeballos San Miguel Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Temuco, Chile
Keywords: Maquegua tax, 16th century gold economy, 16th century Mapuche, 16th century geopolitics Chile


This article shows the role that the territory of Maquegua (Maquewe) and its inhabitants played in the context of the geopolitics and the gold economy implemented by the Spanish conquerors in 16th century Araucanía by studying documentation on encomiendas and armed conflicts, complemented. with a geoarchaeological analysis of the territory. The result is a geographical characterization and location of said socio-territorial unit and a casuistic analysis of the functioning of the Spanish conquest society in relation to the original population in a specific area.


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How to Cite
Zavala Cepeda, J. M., Medianero Soto, F. J., & Zeballos San Miguel, M. (2020). Maquegua (Maquewe) and its inhabitants in the Araucanía of the 16th century: geopolitics and gold economy in the terms of the Imperial City of Chile. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 28(1).
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