“Inca Empire” or Tahuantinsuyo? Andean historical singularity in Ecuadorian curriculums and school textbooks

  • Javier González Díez Universidad Nacional de Educación, Grupo de Investigación en Educación Decolonial y Epistemologías del Sur. Azogues, Ecuador
  • Juan Carlos Brito Román Universidad Nacional de Educación, Grupo de Investigación en Educación Decolonial y Epistemologías del Sur. Azogues, Ecuador
Keywords: Tahuantinsuyo, school history, Ecuador, eurocentrism


The main purpose of this article is to explain the correlations between school history and ethnohistory related to narratives about the past which characterize the official historic memories. Through the analysis of Ecuadorian school curriculums and texts of history it is examined how the Inca history is defined and interpreted, particularly related to the politic form of the Tahuantinsuyo. The analysis showed that the historic singularity of the Andean political experience is exposed by the school texts with eurocentric categories. Thus, our conclusion is that the contributions of the ethnohistorical research –in terms of new visions and interpretations about the American past- have not being received by the Ecuadorian history school books and we pose a reflection regarding the meaning of the history taught to students today.


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How to Cite
González Díez, J., & Brito Román, J. C. (2020). “Inca Empire” or Tahuantinsuyo? Andean historical singularity in Ecuadorian curriculums and school textbooks. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.34096/mace.v28i1.8382
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