Against Morcillo: Peralta Barnuevo’s defense of the Viceroy

  • Mariana Zinni Queens College, City University of New York
Keywords: Peralta Barnuevo, viceroy Morcillo, viceroy's defense, viceregal rhetoric


In 1720, Don Diego Morcillo Rubio de Auñón, then archbishop of La Plata, was named viceroy of Perú for the second time, at the end of Prince Caracciolo’s term. During his last term as viceroy, Morcillo was elevated tothe Metropolitan Archbishopric, thus holding both powers, religious and political. Several pamphlets were published accusing the Viceroy of severe irregularities, such as embezzlement, nepotism, greed, corruption, bribery, etc. Pedro de Peralta Barnuevo, a criollo intelectual close to the viceregal power, wrote two texts defending him from his enemies: Templo de la Fama Vindicado ([1720] 1996), y Diálogo político. La Verdad y la Justicia ([1724] 1996). In this article, I analyze both of these texts and examine the rhetorical devicesused in their double function: as defense of the viceregal authority, and as part of the rhetorical and performative position of the criollo intelectual under Bourbon power.


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How to Cite
Zinni, M. (2021). Against Morcillo: Peralta Barnuevo’s defense of the Viceroy. Memoria Americana. Cuadernos De Etnohistoria, 29(2), 171-185.
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